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Searching the Parish Registers

Searching parish registers can be very time consuming, especially if you don't know the parish and have to look through an entire county.

Searching the records online is straightforward and can save you the journey to the relevant archive and going through the records manually on hundreds of reels of microfilm. To find an ancestor online you can simply type in the name of the person you are looking for, and with the click of a button you can have your results almost instantly.

The website that has the most Parish Registers available for people to search is TheGenealogist, and they are continually adding more records.

Searching for an ancestors in Parish Registers

Use the free search below to search for your ancestors (courtesy of Look across all their databases or select a particular type of records such as Parish Registers. If you are a subscriber you can also use their Master Keyword Search or virtual books interface.

I was pleasantly suprised to find that TheGenealogist's search facilities were so easy to use - I was presented with a search form at the top of the page, and I simply had to type in the name of my ancestor, Thomas Jones. I could narrow down the search by entering the parish where he was married, which was Tickenhall.

This gave me one result, which was the correct one - he married Mary Baxter in 1748:

Thomas Jones Parish Register Example

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